T +43 2627 21022
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Smart Services for
your Waste Problem.

1. Audits

Services Audits

Having lasting experience with Solid Waste and the operation of treatment plants we provide the following audits to support our Clients:

  • Waste Audits – identifying the composition and quality of solid waste
  • Plant Audits – investigating the technical status of an existing waste treatment plant, and provide a solution on how to improve them
  • Operation Audits – evaluation of an existing waste treatment plant’s operation

2. Improvement studies, strategies and refurbishment designs

Improvement studies, strategies and refurbishment designs

Sometimes existing Waste Treatment Plants don’t fulfil the Client’s expectation or do not reach their performance requirements. Those plants would need refurbishment to make them run efficient again.

Having many years of experience with different technologies of Solid Waste Treatment Facilities VIA Solutions offers their Customers the following support:

  • inspect existing Waste Treatment Plants and prepare a Status-Report;
  • propose a Technical Solution or suggest changes within the operation to improve the Plant’s performance;
  • provide Feasibility Studies for the Proposed Improvement Works;
  • prepare a Basic Design, and support the Customer as Owner’s Engineer for the Refurbishing Works or
  • Supply, Install and Commission the Improvement Works.

3. Waste Management Strategies

Waste Management has become a complex area, legally, technically and commercially. It should not only cover correct disposal but also how to reuse, reduce and recycle to minimize one’s waste generation, all within the legal regulations.

Different kinds of waste require different solutions. Therefore, many cannot rely on the public waste collection services but need to ensure the correct disposal by identifying and contracting reputable, licensed and specialized companies for the disposal of their waste according to local regulations.

VIA Solutions support their Customers to develop Waste Management Concepts and Strategies for their organization, community or governing area and to find suitable and reliable Service Providers to execute them.

4. Project Development

RDF plant

During the Project Development Phase VIA Solutions provides the several services to our Customers:

  • Preliminary Solution Proposals, conceptual designs and CAPEX/OPEX estimations
  • Feasibility Studies and Business Plans

5. Project Execution

During the execution of a project VIA Solutions offers their Customers several services, as Owner’s Engineer or similar:

  • Preparation of Basic Engineering and Technical Specifications
  • Technical support during Tender Process
  • Technical evaluation of received Tenders and Preferred Bidders Selection
  • Supervise the Mechanical and Electrical Installation works
  • Supervise the Testing and Commissioning and Plant’s start-up phase
VIA Solutions GmbH will be participating and exhibiting their OWT pre-treatment system at:
  • The XXIV Edition of the largest professional conference about biogas in the Czech Republic, the ‘Construction and Operation of Biogas plants’ in Třeboň, from 3rd to 4th October, 2024.

Get in touch with us today!

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VIA Solutions GmbH

Dr. Theodor Körner Straße 470
2823 Pitten | AUSTRIA

T  +43 2627 21022




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